Nina Sahraoui is a Junior Professor at Paris Saclay University and PI of the project GENDEREDCLIMATEMIG that researches the environmental factors of migration from a gendered perspective. Her research is situated at the crossroads of migration and gender studies and has so far engaged with questions of care labour, borders and bordering, humanitarianism, maternity healthcare and gender-based violence. After two years of professional experience at the Rabat School of Governance and Economics (Morocco), Nina completed her PhD at London Metropolitan University in the framework of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN network Changing Employment. She then joined the EU Border Care project at the European University Institute conducting research in Mayotte (a French overseas department) as well as in Ceuta and Melilla. Two further postdoctoral positions revolved around gender-based violence in migration contexts in the framework of the international GBV-MIG project, first at the National University of Galway and later at the Centre for Sociological and Political Research in Paris (CRESPPA, CNRS). Finally, Nina recently completed the Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship CyberGen at CRESPPA around the experiences of women of Moroccan and Turkish background who grew up in France and Germany.
Previous publications
Sahraoui, N. (2019) Racialised Workers and European Older-Age Care. From Care Labour to Care Ethics. London & New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 277 p.
Edited volumes
Freedman, J., Sahraoui N., and Tastsoglou, E. (2022) Gender-Based Violence in Migration. Interdisciplinary, Feminist and Intersectional Approaches. London & New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Lemberg-Pedersen, M., Fett, S. M., Mayblin, L., Sahraoui N., and Stambøl, E. M. (2022) Postcoloniality and Forced Migration.Bristol University Press.
Sahraoui, N. (2020) Borders Across Healthcare: Moral Economies of Healthcare and Migration in Europe. Oxford & New York: Berghahn Books.
Amrith M. and Sahraoui, N. (2018) Gender, Work and Migration: Agency in Gendered Labour Settings Oxford: Routledge.
Special Issues
Nouss, A. et Sahraoui, N. (2022) Crises et migrations , Raisons Politiques, vol. 86.
Ratzmann, N. and Sahraoui, N. (2021) The (Un)deserving Migrant? Street-level Bordering Practices and Deservingness in Access to Social Services. Social Policy and Society, Volume 20, Issue 3.
- Nenko I., Baranowska B., Szlendak B., Sahraoui N., Węgrzynowska M. (2024) “We were left to our own devices”: Midwives’ experiences of providing maternity care to Ukrainian women in Poland after the outbreak of the full-scale war in Ukraine, Women and Birth, Volume 37, Issue 4, 101629.
- Freedman J., Latouche A., Miranda A., Sahraoui N., Santana de Andrade Tyszler E. (2024) « Le genre dans l’étude des frontières », Migrations Société, 2024/2 (N° 196), p. 59-73.
- Sahraoui, N. (2023). Externalized Within, Everyday Bordering Processes Affecting Undocumented Moroccans in the Borderlands of Ceuta and Melilla, Spain. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 1-20.
- Sahraoui, N. (2023) The Gendered Necropolitics of Migration Control in a French Postcolonial Periphery, Migration and Society. 1–15.
- Nuselovici, A., & Sahraoui, N. (2022). De la crise et des migrations. Raisons politiques, 86(2), 5-12.
- Sahraoui, N. (2022) Des dispositions bureaucratiques humanitaires au service d’un gouvernement nécropolitique des non-citoyens : un paradoxe libéral ? Raisons Politiques, n° 86, pp. 93-112.
- Freedman, J., Sahraoui, N., & Tyszler, E. (2022). Asylum, racism, and the structural production of sexual violence against racialised women in exile in Paris. Social Sciences, 11(10), 426.
- Sahraoui, N. (2021)Midwives and Humanitarian Bureaucracy: Managing Migration at a Postcolonial Border. International Political Sociology. Volume 15, Issue 2, pages 272–290.
- Sahraoui, N. et Tyszler E. (2021) Tracing colonial maternalism within the gendered morals of humanitarianism: experiences of migrant women at the Spanish-Moroccan border.Frontiers in Human Dynamics, section Refugees and Conflict. vol. 3, p. 10.
- Reilly, N., Sahraoui, N. et McGarry, O. (2021) Exclusion, Minimization, Inaction: A Critical Review of Ireland’s Policy Response to Gender-Based Violence as It Affects Migrant Women. Frontiers in Human Dynamics, section Refugees and Conflict.
- Ratzmann, N. et Sahraoui, N. (2021) Conceptualising the Role of Deservingness in Migrants’ Access to Social Services, Social Policy and Society, Volume 20, Issue 3, July 2021, pp. 440 – 451.
- Sahraoui, N. (2021)Constructions of undeservingness around the figure of the undocumented pregnant woman in the French department of Mayotte. Social Policy and Society. Volume 20, Issue 3, pp. 475 – 486.
- Sahraoui, N. (2020) Mayotte, l’éloignement des femmes enceintes », Plein Droit, n° 124, pp. 39- 42.
- Sahraoui, N. (2020) Gendering the care/control nexus of the humanitarian border: Women’s bodies and gendered control of mobility in a EUropean borderland. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. Vol. 38(5) 905–922.
- Sahraoui, N. (2020) Challenges to medical ethics in the context of detention and deportation: insights from a French postcolonial department in the Indian Ocean. Social Science and Medicine, Volume 258, 113073.
- Sahraoui, N. (2020) Du nécropouvoir dans le contrôle migratoire et de ses implications genrées dans les périphéries françaises de l’Océan Indien. Migrations et Société. Vol. 32, n° 182, pp. 21-34.
- Sahraoui, N. (2020) Integration into liminality: women’s lives in an open centre for migrants at Europe’s Southern Antechamber. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Vol. 46:9, 1809-1827.
- Grotti, V., Malakasis C., Quagliarello C. et Sahraoui, N. (2019) Temporalities of emergency: migrant pregnancy and healthcare networks in Southern European borderlands. Social Science & Medicine, 222, pp.11–19.
- Grotti, V., Malakasis C., Quagliarello C. et Sahraoui, N. (2018) Shifting Vulnerabilities: Gender and Reproductive Care on the Migrant Trail to Europe. Comparative Migration Studies. Vol. 6, pp.6-23.
- Sahraoui, N. (2018) De la précarité du travail émotionnel du care. Les apports d’une philosophie morale féministe à l’analyse de la précarité au travail. Emulations, n° 28, pp.30-44.
- Sahraoui, N. (2018) De la segmentation du marché du travail comme discrimination structurelle aux expériences individuelles de discriminations racistes. Les Mondes du Travail, Mai, Numéro 21, pp. 31-45.
- Sahraoui, N. (2015) Acquiring ‘voice’ through ‘exit’. How Moroccan emigrants became a driving force of political and socio- economic change. The Journal of North African Studies. Vol. 20, No. 4, pp.522–539.