Seminar Series

Gender and Environmental Mobilities Workstream

There was a demonstrated interest in creating a network of researchers who explore gendered dimensions of environmental mobilities. Daniela Paredas and Coline Garia collected names of those interested. Daniela reached out to Nina Sahraoui to follow up on this initiative given the synergies of the GENDEREDCLIMATEMIG project. The “Gender and environmental mobilities” workstream was born. It seeks to provide a space for researchers interested in developing a gendered analysis of environmental mobilities. In thinking about how to mobilize a gender lens within research on environmental mobilities, this workstream might address all steps and dimensions of research from design to implementation and analysis, including methodological, empirical and theoretical considerations. From the first meeting of this group, a strong common interest emerged in the creation of a shared space for exploring the “behind the scenes” matters of accounting for gender within research on environmental mobilities. Such online meetings can provide a space to share and discuss any challenges and difficulties encountered and provide mutual support through exchange and experience feedback. The organization of public scientific events and collaborations is also envisaged and can be developed as per interest and initiative of the workstream members.