International News

Controversial EU Pact on Migration and Asylum Adopted

On April 10th, the European Parliament adopted a controversial Pact on Migration and Asylum (hereinafter ‘The Pact’) after almost a decade of back and forth. The Pact has four pillars: 1.) secure external borders, 2.) fast and efficient procedures, 3.) effective system of solidarity and responsibility, and 4.) embedding migration in international partnerships. However, it was not well-received. Migrant organizations advocating for human rights criticize the Pact’s stricter measures. The changes in the pact will come into effect in 2026. The ‘how’ remains to be seen. Over the next few months, the details of implementation will be decided upon.

To read more about this new pact, please click here.


68th Annual Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68)

11-22 March 2024

The CSW68 took place from 11-22 March with the theme “Accerating the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by addressing poverty and strengthening institutions and financing with a gender perspective.”

For more, please click here.


Recap of the Sixth UN Environment Assembly (UNEA)

26 February-01 March 2024

Nearly 6,000 delegates from 190 countries came together in Nairobi, Kenya to take part in the sixth UNEA from 26 February to 1 March 2024. This high-level decision-making body was created in 2012 following the Rio+20 in Brazil. They meet biannually to set “priorities for global environmental policies and develop international environmental law.” This year’s theme was “effective, inclusive and sustainable multilateral actions to tackle climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.”

In her opening speech, UNEA-6 President Leila Benali, called for strengthening multilateralism to deliver on the environmental agenda. She also reminded us that “environment is the very foundation of our economies, of our societies, and of our economic progress.”

Several important reports were launched at UNEA-6 including the Global Resource Outlook and the Global Waste Management Outlook. The final outcomes of this year’s meeting: 15 resolutions adopted, 2 decisions, and a ministerial declaration.

To look back at what happened at UNEA-6, please click here.


Summit of the Global Forum on Migration and Development

23-25 January 2024

At the end of January, the Summit of the Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD) took place in Geneva and the conversations highlighted the impact of climate change. Amy Pope, the Director of the UN International Organization for Migration (IOM) said that “while conflict has long been the biggest driver of protracted internal displacement, disasters have caused more new displacements in recent years.”

To read the press release, please click here.


New Conservative French Immigration Law Will Affect International Students, Among Others

Immigration is a highly politicized issue. Countries across the world have adopted a range of restrictive measures to control the flow of migrants into their territories. This backdrop makes it essential for our project to humanize and nuance the portrayal of migrants and root causes of migration.

In a recent commentary, Hicham Jamid discusses the new French immigration law that was voted on the 19th of December in 2023. Among all of the changes in the new legislation, one was particularly polarizing – the impact on international students who will now be essentially required to prove that they will leave the French territory upon finishing their studies. Opponents to the law cite the detriment this will have on attracting the best and brightest students to study in France.

To read the entire article, please click here.