In the Press

Interview with University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ)

Nina Sahraoui was interviewed by UVSQ to present what the GENDEREDCLIMATEMIG project consists of, how it is structured, and its critical steps.

To read the interview in French, please click here.


Interview with M3 

Nina Sahraoui was interviewed for her previous research on the gendered and racialized nature of elderly care professions. Research on racialized women (migrants and/or from ethnic minorities) has been at the core of her doctoral research. The feminist moral philosophy in which this research is rooted has also shaped the rest of her research career.

To see the full interview, please click here


Interview for the La lettre CNRS magazine

Nina Sahraoui was interviewed for the November issue of the CNRS magazine, La lettre. In her French interview, she discusses her reasons for applying to the ERC grant, the importance of using a gendered lens in migration research, and gives tips to researchers who may also be considering applying for an ERC grant.

To read and download the interview, please click here


Announcement of ERC Starting Grants 2022

Nina Sahraoui was featured on the CNRS website since she was a winner for a 2022 Starting Grant issued by the European Research Council.

To check out the full profile, please click here