
ECMN Conference, “Environmental Changes & Migration: Bridging Disciplines for a New Research Agenda”

9-12 July 2024, Liège University

Nina Sahraoui will be at the ECMN conference in Liège, Belgium from 9-12 July. The newly launched Gender and environmental mobilities workstream will meet up for the first time in person.


21st IMISCOE Annual Conference, “Migration as a Social Construction: A Reflexive Turn”

2-5 July 2024, ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon

Nina Sahraoui participated in two workshops and chaired 3 different panels. Notably, she co-chaired a panel with Lore Van Praag from Erasmus University Rotterdam entitled “Multi-level Perspectives on Environmental Mobilities in North Africa.”


Fourth International Workshops on Public Policy (IWPP4)

26-28 June 2024, University of Guadalajara

Nina Sahraoui co-chaired a workshop with Patrick Hassenteufel from the University of Paris-Saclay, “Analyzing and Conceptualizing International Public Policies: Towards a Sociology of the Policy Process Approach.” Itziri Gonzalez Barcenas presented a draft paper about the global migration governance of migration leading to the 2018 UN Global Compact of Regular, Safe, and Orderly Migration.


International School on Climate Mobilities (ISCM) Week 3

17 June 2024, Online (via Zoom) 

Nina Sahraoui was invited as a Visiting Expert at this year’s ISCM. She presented on week three of the six-week course. Her presentation was entitled “Intersectional and decolonial approaches to migration: what relevance to study climate-related displacements?”


Discussion to mark the publication of the collective work: LES SOCIÉTÉS FACE AU DÉFI CLIMATIQUE: QUE SAIT-ON?

15 May 2024, Institut d’études avancées de Paris-Antichambre

Nina Sahraoui was one of the contributors in the forthcoming book, LES SOCIÉTÉS FACE AU DÉFI CLIMATIQUE: QUE SAIT-ON? (CNRS Editions, 2024). To celebrate the launch, a full-day of panel discussions was organized.


15 December 2023, PRINTEMPS Laboratory

Nina Sahraoui presented the GENDEREDCLIMATEMIG project during the monthly general seminar focused on sociological research at the PRINTEMPS laboratory. Her presentation was entitled Frontières, humanitarisme et migrations au prisme du genre


Interdisciplinary perspectives on international migration: Policies, gender, cities, identity, climate

28-29 November 2023, Ca’Foscari University of Venice

Nina Sahraoui presented the GENDEREDCLIMATEMIG project during a panel entitled Gender, climate change and slow onset-emergencies, full program here.

5th scientific day, Migration and climate change conference

22 September 2023, Campus Condorcet at the Institut Convergences Migrations

Nina Sahraoui presented the GENDEREDCLIMATEMIG project during her presentation entitled Facteurs environnementaux des migrations et inégalités genrées : quelles approches théoriques ? quelles méthodes ? 


Environmental and Climate Mobilities Network (ECMN) Conference

10-12 July 2023, University of Vienna

Nina Sahraoui presented the GENDEREDCLIMATEMIG project during her presentation entitled Climate-Induced Migration, Gendered Inequalities and Governance: Understanding Migration Decisions, Exploring Migration Experiences